David B Shoenfeld:  Shoenfeld Enterprises LLC
Creative, Practical Consulting and Storytelling for Innovative Results.
What's Useful to Know about David...

Background & Business Activities

David Shoenfeld brings  a unique blend of proven, tested, world-class experience and expertise to business, strategy and marketing problem solving and opportunity development. 

He leverages a twenty-year record of success and breakthrough marketing while at FedEx... and combines that with results, learning and insights gleaned from subsequent hands-on business strategy and tactical development roles in small, emerging technologies and services companies.

When you think about it, you'll realize that a great measure of business success hinges on the ability to create and define the narrative... the story of your business, your product, and the unique benefits you bring to the marketplace.  To reinforce his deep creative and innovative approach to solving problems and shaping messages and attitudes, a few years ago he completed the Screenwriting Program at UCLA.  Advancing the requisite communications skills beyond the norm by learning to re-express them in another medium and format empowers David in every initiative he gets behind.

David serves on the  Board of Directors of  tech development and commercialization start-ups as well as the popular fitness and social networking site ExerciseFriends.comHe founded Second Opinion Advisors, and is available for a diverse range of consulting, advisory and strategic projects.


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